How To Know If Your Website Is Working For You?

How To Know If Your Website Is Working For You?

Nothing in the digital world stays for long, which is why there's no such thing as a set it and forget it website. One must be actively involved in ensuring that their website's design and usability stay in lockstep with current standards.

So, how do you know if what you are doing is working? Well, you need to be checking in on your data and analytics. We need to find out what elements are currently shining and what could use some extra TLC. To ensure that the website is working efficiently, Track your website performance. So that one of your greatest assets won't become a costly liability.

Tracking your data is a great way to know what's working and what's not. Website development companies can design the website in a suitable and accessible way. But there is a lot of data at your disposal, and not all of it is worth your time tracking. So now you're wondering what is worth your time to track.

Guidelines to Check to Check and Verify Your Website If Your Website Is Working for You

1. Is your website easy to use?

As simple as this question sounds, you would be surprised how many businesses violate this fundamental website design principle. It's never a good idea to neglect basic best practices to try to make your website appear flashy or cutting edge.

Your navigation menus should be easy to find (and use), and the overall layout of your website should be clean and intuitive. Please avoid cumbersome flash animations or other heavy scripts that take too long to execute, as they will slow down page load times, which typically increases bounce rates.

Try to make the design visually attractive as well; nobody wants to meet a gigantic wall of text when they arrive at your web page. Strive for a good balance of images and text to keep things light and easy on the eyes.

2. Is your website mobile-friendly?

The explosion of mobile Internet usage has turned the entire industry on its head, forcing developers to adapt their website designs to accommodate all kinds of WiFi-enabled handheld devices. If your current website doesn't feature a responsive, mobile-friendly design, you could be alienating a large portion of your audience.

Not only that, but since Google rolled out their "Mobilegeddon" algorithm update, mobile-friendliness is now one of the key factors to better search engine rankings in Google. If your website design is only friendly to desktop displays, you may see a drop in your search engine rankings, which generally leads to a decrease in organic traffic.

3. Does your website copy have a professional appearance?

It's hard to present yourself as a professional company if your website copy is riddled with typos. Whether your style is friendly and casual or ultra-formal, your website copy needs to be double-checked for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors to maintain a solid level of professionalism in your communications.

4. Ranking with Search Engines

Of course, before posting any content, the last step is always to ensure it is SEO-ready! Please read our blog post here about providing your blog is optimized for search engines.

This can be harder to calculate, but I love using the chrome plugin "Keywords Everywhere" to help with these metrics.

5. Return Visitors

You want new traffic always coming to your website but having a one-and-done strategy isn't going to be sustainable. The content you are putting out on your website should also attract people who have already visited your website to come back for more. The direct traffic will almost always be repeat visitors. Social may be a mix of new visitors and repeat visitors.

6. Does your website have a way to capture lead information?

It's great to have tons of visitors browsing your website every day, but it's even better when you can turn those visitors into leads. Make sure that users can easily navigate this form, and try to make it as easy as possible for them to submit their information by asking for the essentials–name, email address and phone number (if appropriate). 

Also, consider adding some tracking code to your website to help with any retargeting campaigns you may wish to run in the future.

7. Is your website integrated with other critical elements of your digital marketing strategy?

If you're running a promotion on Facebook, does your website "know" about it? Do you have clear tie-ins with your other marketing arms, such as your email list, display ads, social media accounts, etc.? Your website should demonstrate cohesiveness with all the different elements of your digital marketing strategy so that you won't inadvertently send mixed signals to your prospects and customers.

In the ultra-competitive world of modern business, your website can be your best friend or worst enemy. It's never a waste of time to ensure that your online presence properly represents your brand, so use the ideas listed above to keep your website working for you instead of against you.

Quora Web Solution is a certified web design and development company with a team of highly skilled and trained professionals in the digital industry. Apart from offering web design and development services, they offer 360° digital services to help their clients grow and expand their business reach online. Some of their services include website design and development, SEO services, digital marketing, branding, app development, eCommerce solution, and logo creation.

High bounce rates get a bad rap. But a short time spent on your site might not always be wrong. It could mean that people can easily find the information they are looking for. But on the flip side, a high bounce rate could mean people aren't engaged with the content, so they are leaving.

You can check this metric in Google Analytics. The industry standard is for someone to be engaging with your website for 2-3 minutes.

Overall your website is your space to be used how you intend. So base your data on you! If something isn't super important in your eyes, then don't worry too much about it. 

But there is always room for improvement. So check in every once or frequently, depending on how much these numbers mean to you. Just be sure that your website is performing how you intended, and if not, use this data to track different elements to find what works best for you!